Ringed Handle Mens Umbrella by Concord

Item# C4149408
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Product Description

Item: Concord Ringed Handle Mens Umbrella

Concord umbrellas are handcrafted with the highest quality materials which allows for the construction of impeccably beautiful and strong umbrellas.

More information about this high-quality umbrella: men's fashion umbrella 26 inches double 8 rib with case & scorched double ring handle

About The Collection

Concord Men's Umbrellas
WARNING: As Concord's umbrellas are unquestionably a source of cheer, some would indeed say sunshine, their use could well inspire imitations of Gene Kelly dancing in torrential downpours. Concord stands by the impeccable quality of their umbrellas, the strength of their materials and construction, and cannot be held accountable for colds or flu that can only be the result of inferior footwear.

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