Nambe Butterfly Bowl

Item# 579N
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Product Description

Item: Nambe Butterfly Bowl
  • Brand: Nambe
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About The Collection

Nambe Giftware & Serveware
Select from 118 pieces to choose the perfect serveware for yourself or for the absolutely perfect gift. For 63 years, since 1951 when Nambe first started in a tiny village near Santa Fe, New Mexico, this innovative company has been bringing you the very best in metal, wood and crystal serveware, barware, kitchenware, flatware, gifts and decor for all seasons and holidays. They even have polish and polishing kits to keep your Nambe pieces in the most beautiful condition. Their signature alloy blend of 8 metals has a luster and glow like fine silver. It doesn't chip or peel and resists tarnish. Nambe pieces are found in museums from the British Museum to the New York Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art, and in fine museums literally all around the world. Most of the metal pieces are oven and freezer safe, plus they retain both hot and cold temperatures so that your food and beverages can always be served at their optimum for taste, appeal and safety.

Santa Fe, NM is home to many artisans and galleries. What could be more natural than Nambe getting their start there? A welcoming environment amid the beautiful domed turquoise sky and warm sunshine of the Land of Enchantment coupled with inventive and artistic minds is bound to produce a product as beautiful and practical as Nambe. "Timeless art you can use every day" is more than just a mission statement. It's a perfect description of these outstanding pieces. Bowls of every size and shape, made of wood, crystal and metal, vases of infinite design and descriptions, trays, stemware, cruet sets, dispensers, candle sticks, pitchers - even a clock! Whatever you're looking for in the way of serving ware there's a very good chance you're going to find it right here. Whether you've got a picture in your mind of just what you want, or if you haven't the faintest idea, we invite you to take a deep breath, clear your mind and plunge right in!

Nambe Gifts & Servingware

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